Thursday 29 January 2015

You are truly beautiful!


You are beautiful in every sense, in every aspect. 
You have a pure heart,  a pure soul and you are truly independent.  
You have an angelic charm,  and you are truly gem of a person. 

Read those legible letters once again. 
Well, I never said '' All of us have the capacity and capability to recognize our 'Strong' facet, our 'Alluring Personality' 

I have a very simple and effortless,  yet a very complicated shloka 'Stay enchanted and never lose my favourite: Mona Lisa Grin ' even if you are,  all by yourself.  ' 

I have two questions,  or lets say I can frame two very effective questions, reflecting the 'Contradiction Ingredient Or Countenance' 

1. Why is this 'So Hard To Follow' shloka being called  very 'Plain Sailing'? 
2. Even If there is a reason to support the  first part,  why is it then being contradictory enough for the contradiction process of my own statement? 

Well, when I say it is very manaegable and Plain  Sailing,  it actually is and the reason is excessively thinkeable and reasonable. I support it by saying that this shloka can be called simple on the basis of the fact that it brings an equation of peace, of Enchantment,  of 
composure and of peace. 
This makes us more elligible to understand ourselves, to carry on the process of 'Self Introspection ' and this definitely lets us know as to who we are, exactly! 

COMPLICATED : According to me,  if this Mantra is highlighted and adopted,  then,  there would be tranquility and happiness all around but then there is lack of happiness around,  evidently. 
A simple line stated above can bring joviality in our lives but when we look around,  its the opposite and people usually feel a bit uncomfortable while getting out of their deep sad zones,  so definitely 'COMPLICATED' is the right word. 

We experience glee,  we laugh,  we smile and we express our felicity.  
I have a question again. 
Just rewind and ponder as to when you are mostly happy? 
I have a point against validity of happiness.  We are joyeous mostly when people are around,  our loved ones. 
The most important part comes. 
People leave and our contentedness leaves too. Simple but true. 
Its very natural to feel loss of positive energy when somebody so close leaves. But then Positivity should not drain for forever. 
It should return, revert and get back to the place where it should be,  in one's mind and heart. 
We are not in a habit to be glad and merriment,  when we are LONELY.  There would be crisis when people who had to stay till death would leave. 

Who would be there with us then?
Our Positivity
Our righteous conduct
Our High Spirits
Our blitheful portions

Let me give you an example. 
I was in my class, when one of my classmates came with a very heavy expression on her face.  She was never that close to me or something,  yet I asked her just twice and she opened up fully. Like an open book,  her facts were straight in front of me. 
One of her friends commenced behaving weird with her all of a sudden and she started assuming that everything is taking a backseat in her life. And then I realised that I could identify my past characteristics with her present ones. 

Till what extent can we chase someone else? One day we would get tired,  sit and say ' I don't care. ' 

Why can't you enjoy your own company?  After all,  you have spent more than 16 years with yourself now.


Keep repeating. 


Continue with your 'MONA LISA GRIN' always.

Stay Tuned In :')
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