Friday 16 January 2015


                 '   MOVE ON  ' 

Well,  let us talk about a very very essential part of our lives - the factor of moving on. 
Well, discontentment must get hidden in some well which vanishes subsequently and never reverts with its not so amusing appearance and content.

MOVING ON:  a very very strong and significant aspect of life.  
Sit down while reading this and go deep in your thoughts somewhere,  dig up your past for the last time and just commence pondering. 
Think about how your life was and how it is. Do not go into intrigate details or any kind of re-construction of the scenario,  just compare and contrast different moments. 

I am sure that your conclusion might be opining 'My life is better now.'
No issues on the point that you have stitched yourseld back and it is just better or rather perfect now. 
Even that is how my life is now. Some months back,  I had to come out of my fits,  and not fake a smile but rather endeavour to construct a new one genuinely. 

Now get back to the process, process odf how you came back to the point of your origin. It was hard.  No. It was as painful as death is. Losing the people whom you imagined to be with you forever is as deadly as death is. 

Let us draw a line  of similiarity between death and life. 
Death: People who were to be with you till eternity leave you digging up hollow spaces.
Life: People leave you while being in front of you. 

Let us list the things what are gone and lost at this stage :
1. Peace
2. Friendships
3. Relationships 
4. Love 
5. Promises
6. Confidence 
7. Life comes to a hault.
8 Loneliness (we gain that)
8. Loss of hope
Etc Etc and Etc.

We drown,  drown more and drown further. Nobody to protect us,  just we can do that for ourselves. 

What would your 'Sulking Capacity' do?
1. Bring back the person? 
2. Bring back your old life?
3. Bring back your confidence?
4. Lessen your empowerment of Overthinking? 
5. Boost up your confidence?
6. Enlighten it up all again?

The unanimous answer is NO.  I am sure you all must be agreeing with it. 
One fine day,  you would start feeling yourself in such a mess, you would realise that the chaotic stage has no end now, you would actually start disliking you and your internal strength would be then drained. That day would be the worst. 
Stitching up a torn cloth and fixing up broken pieces again is next to impossible. 

There are people out there who would never even dare to leave you. You just have not discovered them yet. But they do exist and that is when you say 'My life is so much better now.' 

Keep Smiling and wait for nature and God to take their time. 
Someday,  you sit and those souvenirs just flash,  what next? Stop by them and smile because they somehow someday made you happy,  someday got that grin on your face. 

Move on. 
Something sick you find? 
I have a Mantra: THROW AWAY THE SHITTY BAG. ' 
I have taken a few resolutions for 2k15. And I actually follow them,  for I cannot afford to be a victim again. 
1. No Negativity. 
2 Just Positivity. 
3 No assumptions.

Smile. :D 

Stay tuned in for more. 
Keep reading.


  1. It started with tears in my eyes and ended with a huge smile :) gr8 work! :*

  2. Sumthg amzng... I luvd it truly..Each word has such a deep meaning in itself ...dat I actly started pondering ovr it.. evn I blv it's olways btr to move on d one who leaves u ws actly nt meant to be wid u... so v must thnk abt d positive aspect of evrythng :* i must say ur fusion of words so easily conveys evrythng :*

  3. Everything clear now..!! Perfect.
    A must for two R's - Read and Relate.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Everything clear. Perfect. Words couldn't express that in any better way.
    Two Must to do R's - Read and Relate
