Sunday 11 January 2015

Empowerment of Overthinking.

  Empowerment   of    Overthinking

So,  today, I am going to talk about 'Overshadowness of Overthinking.'

I know people have this habit and who are reading this would quickly associate themselves with me, for I am one of their kind.

Overthinking is like a silent killer. Silent killer of confidence,  Silent Killller of one's own personality. 
It must be vague amd bizarre when I refer it to as 'Silent Killer'.  But I can make it reasonable and clearly understandable.
Overthinking basically refers to a trauma stage wherein people repeatedly think about the same situation and land themselves in ' GUILT  PRISON' 

I have two live examples to justify my statement fully. 
But I guess  one would be so elaborate in its approach that it would suffice and act as a validate for my point. 

A girl,  who now cherishes each moment of her life and lives as if there is no tomorrow,  sometime ago used to land herself in trouble on a daily basis for some or the other reason.

She was in her darkest hours at that time and that time was crucial,  for,  it was based on how well she handles it,  basically her decision making power.

Well, Forever can become a lie and people leave even after their uncountable promises. As far as my diagnosis is correct,  she was suffering from this 'Forever Trauma'.  
A fight, and she could not cease thinking,  her tears running down her cheeks and a wrong decision. 
Yes., Overthinking leads to wrong decisions. Sometimes it is significant to give back people the same or maybe the 'Silent Treatment' but Overthinking gives you emotional impulses to erase everything from the memory and forgive and be together again. 

Wrong decisons,  more chaos. 
That's it (though this is something very big)?  
No. That's just the commencement. 
Overthinking - lack of decision making power - chaotic decisions - trouble - you are proven guilty. 

You do not take correct decisions in this game and you are proven guilty, maybe you were never wrong for the things you had done in the past,  but you are,for the recent thing. 
And remember,  that's the Summing up Part.

Later on,  the girl moved on,  had a new life,  metamorphosised by her best friend.
But whatever she did,  she used to be very very self cautious so that it does not turn out to be her fault once again.

A wrong turn,  for example,  a close friend not talking to her or behaving absurdly,  and she feels the drained confidence and starts self interrogation to check If she is right or wrong. 

Yes,  that was Me. This was one of my chapters.

I thank my best friend,  rather my soul sister and my mom for forcing me to cease using this tool of Overthinking and I am an amazing person now. 
Though I still realise this facet in me sometimes,  but less than before and moreover,  I am endeavouring to keep a great y command over it so that the sobriquet of 'Gloom Girl' does not stick to me. 
I have justified my point. 

I brought in this topic,  because when I started with my book and I was utterly confused,. I remember an old friend (Forever Trauma one) saying ' Write what you feel. Do not fake it.' 

I mentioned about putting up a topic quite interesting and Conflicting in my last post  but some recording part is left for the same.  So next or maybe next to next time. 

Stay tuned in.


  1. So that best friend is me, right? LolXD.
    This is something that evryone out of the readers will relate to. This is something that everyone should rememver that 'Overthinking ruins'
    Truly awesome.. Thought too long..!!

    1. Aww thanks :*
      It ruins the person itself. And thanks again 💖

  2. Yess. True.
    And It's amazing. All that you have written. All that you have expressed. 😍
