Thursday 22 January 2015

Charismatic tour of 14 years

                   SCHOOL  LIFE 

               The Magnificent  Era.

I was pondering as to what to bring in today and I was utterly confused. 
Just then I read something so beautiful that I  had all my charged emotions right in front of me.

I imagined all those breathtaking moments actually happening in front of me.
One fine day,  we would just be lost in our busy schedules and chained up in varying circumstamces when somebody would randomly find one of our old photographs and ask "Who are these people standing next to you?"
Do one thing, just imagine something of this sort actually taking place,  somebody actually coming up to you and asking you this and you very plainly reply " These were sometimes the most spectacular people of my life,  with whom I have some of the best memories still registered somewhere in the corner of my heart and mind. "

I can imagine myself giving such a marvellous answer. I am using the word MARVELLOUS  for  those cherished times, times which allowed me to have that never ending'MONA  LISA ' grin. We all spend full 14 years of life over there and 14 years is quite a lot of time to recharge your 'SOUVENIRS BAG' and carry it forward for the entire lifetime. 

Last night,  I came accross some pictures of the 'SCRIBBLING DAY ' put up my some of my seniors.

Okay,  when it would be time to leave the renouned walls of our school builiding and we all would be utterly overwhelmed with love and affection for each other. 

If I commence writing about the brilliance and essence of school life,  it would take me years to do so. Not because I do not have words to do so but because emotions are too tender to be spread and unfurled  over here. 
It is beyond my capabilities to analyse each bit of this glittery SCHOOL LIFE. It is beyond all my forces to scribble about all the remarkable and enchanted junctures.

Let us talk about this Scribbling Day.

Would this day have been all about scribbling prepossessing qoutes or was it also about weaving contemporary memories?

Would this day have been just about those 100 pictures or would it also have been about millions of perfect moments captured for entire lifetime? 

Would this day have been all about those innumerable laughter sessions or also about the most beautiful moments, and the mere thought and their rememberance of which would solve our crisis and bring back those MONA LISA grins.

Would this day have been just about some promises to stay together FOREVER 

Well, reading this would have already got shimmer like aspect on lips,  because while reading this,  you guys would be opining and completing the statement  "And we are going to stay together Forever. We are going to fullfill our Promises. "

And now activate your third eye viewing something of a distant future, its about the far off vision time of some mesmerising time.  I call it mesmerising and ravishing,  for,  I see myself fullfilling my promises and spending my life with same spectacular people. 

Well, did you get conflicting thoughts too, revolting thoughts about the people whom were someday given 'The most Important People' title and the title which was someday overthrown? 
Well, they somehow someday made you smile and giggle, so  just get back to them once,  for there should be no regrets,  when you look back at the current point of time from years now making it as clear as crystal :)), 
School life is the best phase,  is the supreme of all odd and happy hours. 
And these odd and happy hours are enlightened by the people in it.  Never ever forget these gens, for they had made one fourth of Your life And vividness more vivid and sparkling. 

Stay tuned in for more. 
Thanks :))


  1. U know sometimes brilliant words can't be praised so easily....coz you have emotions threadened to them....this 1 just renunciated some of the beautiful times ♥♥

    1. Anudeep, beautiful people like you make my posts more valuable. Thanks a lot :*

  2. I have tears. Really. I can't imagine myself leaving the school, with all those moments, and mastii, and fun behind. Most importantly, leaving MY PEOPLE.
    This is wowww..!!

  3. Amazing..❤ simply one of the best.

  4. Wow this one is so majestic .. And sounds so real <3 Amazing love
