Thursday 8 January 2015

Happy Ending

               HAPPY   ENDING

Well, it all commences with beautiful and radiant moments.  But,  do not forget,  its just the beginning which might lead to the ending of the Era soon. 

Yes,  today I am going to talk about 'giving up' and 'getting over'.  
Whenever, I hear these words 'getting over',  I get a bit overwhelmed.  

You share some of the best moments of your life with some people, moments which might be still registered somewhere in the corner of your hearts. But the people might have left,  even when they had promised never to.   
That's when we start thinking that it's the ruined end. 
Wrong,  the gut feeling is. It is just a part of 'ups' and 'downs'.  It is the ruined middle part and not the ruined end. 
Because we always have the happy ending. Always and always.

I have experienced  it for months and even I started considering that time the deteriorated one, and that's when my bond with my best friend became the forever one,  because she pulled me out of it,  transformed my negatives into my positives while still letting me be who I am. It gave the best part of my existence and I derived positivity out of negativity too.


980 views,  stay tuned in for the 4th post about something very conflicting and interesting at the same time.


  1. Devnnnnaaaa....omg...this is so much of something which one can relate to..... ♥♥ the truest part of life shown beautifully in this 1 !!

  2. I love it from beginning to end .. All
