Wednesday 4 February 2015

First Blog Month


Before commencing,  I would say, 'Mom Dad,  love you for everything. '

Well, I planned to inscribe something more sensitive and heart touching this time, something that would force the gens to have goose bumps, something that would let the cold reality to be more visible and excruciating.

But today's thing covers up one part but leaves the other one,  for its the time for merry making today.
Goose Bumps arise when you freeze,  freeze with some very strong,  vigorous and intense emotions.

Imagine the intensity of these emotions once,  ponder about the time when you experience this. Time period which has a very short life span but also the time span which gives you a great enchantment session,  gives birth to millions of aspirations and most  significantly, brings that MONA LISA GRIN.

There are varying circumstamces for these sessions to take place. But honestly,  I don't get them very often. I won't exactly be typical and opine that I get them whenever I post something over here. That would be a bit inappropriate.
But yes I have a golden incident,  sparkling moment of 290 views.
I remembe,  exactly a month and a day ago, this time,  I was indulged too much in 'OXYMORON: A BOAT IN DROWNING WINDS ' I wasn't tensed exactly,  I wasn't even too happy. I just felt the power of indulgence.

When I completed,  I broadcasted and simply slept, didn't sleep because I required sleep, but I slept because I desired some amount of surprise,  euphoria and high spirits as a consequence.
The next morning I woke up and found out that people have actually aided my process.  Their process took two forms.  First one was 'Appreciation'.
Second one was 'Letting more people know about it'.

Whatever they did is undoubtedly unforgettable and each one had their due share in making more people know about my blog.

My neighbor,  A Chartered Accountant,,  had made my words read,  felt and understood by more than 90 people.

My aunt, who stays just opposite to my place,  in whose arms I had played day and night , then commenced calling me me MATURE.

I remember exactly a month ago, evening time and I had around 12 people around me,  catching glimpses and glances.  I was technically surrounded by people with overwhelmed eyes and overwhelmed emotions.

The CAKE CEREMONIAL DAY,  if I talk about that day's morning,  even I get overwhelmed.
Overwhelmed with the same GOOSE BUMPS vivid emotions I had experienced, then with full main and might.

That day I realised what it truly means.
290 views and almost 2000 now,  long way,  a long journey but definitely 290 is the luckiest.

In the end,  I can just say that what I feel whenever I post something is uncomparable to any other feeling I have experienced till date.

What I write becomes a lesson and a blessing for me,  at the same time.
My words teach me,  spin in my head and foster my joviality.

My blog fabricates my world SUBLIME enough for me to stay with A Thousand Pains for the rest of my years of existence.

It means the World to me.

Stay tuned in for more.
About to be 2000 :')
Thanks :))


  1. Devna....whatever you write truly teaches a lot more people about life....believe me, m one of them :') keep up the good work always.... ♥♥

  2. Means a lot to me Anu <3
    Thanks a lot :*

  3. Way to go girl..all d very best..
    Ritti 😘😘
