Thursday 29 January 2015

You are truly beautiful!


You are beautiful in every sense, in every aspect. 
You have a pure heart,  a pure soul and you are truly independent.  
You have an angelic charm,  and you are truly gem of a person. 

Read those legible letters once again. 
Well, I never said '' All of us have the capacity and capability to recognize our 'Strong' facet, our 'Alluring Personality' 

I have a very simple and effortless,  yet a very complicated shloka 'Stay enchanted and never lose my favourite: Mona Lisa Grin ' even if you are,  all by yourself.  ' 

I have two questions,  or lets say I can frame two very effective questions, reflecting the 'Contradiction Ingredient Or Countenance' 

1. Why is this 'So Hard To Follow' shloka being called  very 'Plain Sailing'? 
2. Even If there is a reason to support the  first part,  why is it then being contradictory enough for the contradiction process of my own statement? 

Well, when I say it is very manaegable and Plain  Sailing,  it actually is and the reason is excessively thinkeable and reasonable. I support it by saying that this shloka can be called simple on the basis of the fact that it brings an equation of peace, of Enchantment,  of 
composure and of peace. 
This makes us more elligible to understand ourselves, to carry on the process of 'Self Introspection ' and this definitely lets us know as to who we are, exactly! 

COMPLICATED : According to me,  if this Mantra is highlighted and adopted,  then,  there would be tranquility and happiness all around but then there is lack of happiness around,  evidently. 
A simple line stated above can bring joviality in our lives but when we look around,  its the opposite and people usually feel a bit uncomfortable while getting out of their deep sad zones,  so definitely 'COMPLICATED' is the right word. 

We experience glee,  we laugh,  we smile and we express our felicity.  
I have a question again. 
Just rewind and ponder as to when you are mostly happy? 
I have a point against validity of happiness.  We are joyeous mostly when people are around,  our loved ones. 
The most important part comes. 
People leave and our contentedness leaves too. Simple but true. 
Its very natural to feel loss of positive energy when somebody so close leaves. But then Positivity should not drain for forever. 
It should return, revert and get back to the place where it should be,  in one's mind and heart. 
We are not in a habit to be glad and merriment,  when we are LONELY.  There would be crisis when people who had to stay till death would leave. 

Who would be there with us then?
Our Positivity
Our righteous conduct
Our High Spirits
Our blitheful portions

Let me give you an example. 
I was in my class, when one of my classmates came with a very heavy expression on her face.  She was never that close to me or something,  yet I asked her just twice and she opened up fully. Like an open book,  her facts were straight in front of me. 
One of her friends commenced behaving weird with her all of a sudden and she started assuming that everything is taking a backseat in her life. And then I realised that I could identify my past characteristics with her present ones. 

Till what extent can we chase someone else? One day we would get tired,  sit and say ' I don't care. ' 

Why can't you enjoy your own company?  After all,  you have spent more than 16 years with yourself now.


Keep repeating. 


Continue with your 'MONA LISA GRIN' always.

Stay Tuned In :')
1800 views :D

Thursday 22 January 2015

Charismatic tour of 14 years

                   SCHOOL  LIFE 

               The Magnificent  Era.

I was pondering as to what to bring in today and I was utterly confused. 
Just then I read something so beautiful that I  had all my charged emotions right in front of me.

I imagined all those breathtaking moments actually happening in front of me.
One fine day,  we would just be lost in our busy schedules and chained up in varying circumstamces when somebody would randomly find one of our old photographs and ask "Who are these people standing next to you?"
Do one thing, just imagine something of this sort actually taking place,  somebody actually coming up to you and asking you this and you very plainly reply " These were sometimes the most spectacular people of my life,  with whom I have some of the best memories still registered somewhere in the corner of my heart and mind. "

I can imagine myself giving such a marvellous answer. I am using the word MARVELLOUS  for  those cherished times, times which allowed me to have that never ending'MONA  LISA ' grin. We all spend full 14 years of life over there and 14 years is quite a lot of time to recharge your 'SOUVENIRS BAG' and carry it forward for the entire lifetime. 

Last night,  I came accross some pictures of the 'SCRIBBLING DAY ' put up my some of my seniors.

Okay,  when it would be time to leave the renouned walls of our school builiding and we all would be utterly overwhelmed with love and affection for each other. 

If I commence writing about the brilliance and essence of school life,  it would take me years to do so. Not because I do not have words to do so but because emotions are too tender to be spread and unfurled  over here. 
It is beyond my capabilities to analyse each bit of this glittery SCHOOL LIFE. It is beyond all my forces to scribble about all the remarkable and enchanted junctures.

Let us talk about this Scribbling Day.

Would this day have been all about scribbling prepossessing qoutes or was it also about weaving contemporary memories?

Would this day have been just about those 100 pictures or would it also have been about millions of perfect moments captured for entire lifetime? 

Would this day have been all about those innumerable laughter sessions or also about the most beautiful moments, and the mere thought and their rememberance of which would solve our crisis and bring back those MONA LISA grins.

Would this day have been just about some promises to stay together FOREVER 

Well, reading this would have already got shimmer like aspect on lips,  because while reading this,  you guys would be opining and completing the statement  "And we are going to stay together Forever. We are going to fullfill our Promises. "

And now activate your third eye viewing something of a distant future, its about the far off vision time of some mesmerising time.  I call it mesmerising and ravishing,  for,  I see myself fullfilling my promises and spending my life with same spectacular people. 

Well, did you get conflicting thoughts too, revolting thoughts about the people whom were someday given 'The most Important People' title and the title which was someday overthrown? 
Well, they somehow someday made you smile and giggle, so  just get back to them once,  for there should be no regrets,  when you look back at the current point of time from years now making it as clear as crystal :)), 
School life is the best phase,  is the supreme of all odd and happy hours. 
And these odd and happy hours are enlightened by the people in it.  Never ever forget these gens, for they had made one fourth of Your life And vividness more vivid and sparkling. 

Stay tuned in for more. 
Thanks :))

Friday 16 January 2015


                 '   MOVE ON  ' 

Well,  let us talk about a very very essential part of our lives - the factor of moving on. 
Well, discontentment must get hidden in some well which vanishes subsequently and never reverts with its not so amusing appearance and content.

MOVING ON:  a very very strong and significant aspect of life.  
Sit down while reading this and go deep in your thoughts somewhere,  dig up your past for the last time and just commence pondering. 
Think about how your life was and how it is. Do not go into intrigate details or any kind of re-construction of the scenario,  just compare and contrast different moments. 

I am sure that your conclusion might be opining 'My life is better now.'
No issues on the point that you have stitched yourseld back and it is just better or rather perfect now. 
Even that is how my life is now. Some months back,  I had to come out of my fits,  and not fake a smile but rather endeavour to construct a new one genuinely. 

Now get back to the process, process odf how you came back to the point of your origin. It was hard.  No. It was as painful as death is. Losing the people whom you imagined to be with you forever is as deadly as death is. 

Let us draw a line  of similiarity between death and life. 
Death: People who were to be with you till eternity leave you digging up hollow spaces.
Life: People leave you while being in front of you. 

Let us list the things what are gone and lost at this stage :
1. Peace
2. Friendships
3. Relationships 
4. Love 
5. Promises
6. Confidence 
7. Life comes to a hault.
8 Loneliness (we gain that)
8. Loss of hope
Etc Etc and Etc.

We drown,  drown more and drown further. Nobody to protect us,  just we can do that for ourselves. 

What would your 'Sulking Capacity' do?
1. Bring back the person? 
2. Bring back your old life?
3. Bring back your confidence?
4. Lessen your empowerment of Overthinking? 
5. Boost up your confidence?
6. Enlighten it up all again?

The unanimous answer is NO.  I am sure you all must be agreeing with it. 
One fine day,  you would start feeling yourself in such a mess, you would realise that the chaotic stage has no end now, you would actually start disliking you and your internal strength would be then drained. That day would be the worst. 
Stitching up a torn cloth and fixing up broken pieces again is next to impossible. 

There are people out there who would never even dare to leave you. You just have not discovered them yet. But they do exist and that is when you say 'My life is so much better now.' 

Keep Smiling and wait for nature and God to take their time. 
Someday,  you sit and those souvenirs just flash,  what next? Stop by them and smile because they somehow someday made you happy,  someday got that grin on your face. 

Move on. 
Something sick you find? 
I have a Mantra: THROW AWAY THE SHITTY BAG. ' 
I have taken a few resolutions for 2k15. And I actually follow them,  for I cannot afford to be a victim again. 
1. No Negativity. 
2 Just Positivity. 
3 No assumptions.

Smile. :D 

Stay tuned in for more. 
Keep reading.

Sunday 11 January 2015

Empowerment of Overthinking.

  Empowerment   of    Overthinking

So,  today, I am going to talk about 'Overshadowness of Overthinking.'

I know people have this habit and who are reading this would quickly associate themselves with me, for I am one of their kind.

Overthinking is like a silent killer. Silent killer of confidence,  Silent Killller of one's own personality. 
It must be vague amd bizarre when I refer it to as 'Silent Killer'.  But I can make it reasonable and clearly understandable.
Overthinking basically refers to a trauma stage wherein people repeatedly think about the same situation and land themselves in ' GUILT  PRISON' 

I have two live examples to justify my statement fully. 
But I guess  one would be so elaborate in its approach that it would suffice and act as a validate for my point. 

A girl,  who now cherishes each moment of her life and lives as if there is no tomorrow,  sometime ago used to land herself in trouble on a daily basis for some or the other reason.

She was in her darkest hours at that time and that time was crucial,  for,  it was based on how well she handles it,  basically her decision making power.

Well, Forever can become a lie and people leave even after their uncountable promises. As far as my diagnosis is correct,  she was suffering from this 'Forever Trauma'.  
A fight, and she could not cease thinking,  her tears running down her cheeks and a wrong decision. 
Yes., Overthinking leads to wrong decisions. Sometimes it is significant to give back people the same or maybe the 'Silent Treatment' but Overthinking gives you emotional impulses to erase everything from the memory and forgive and be together again. 

Wrong decisons,  more chaos. 
That's it (though this is something very big)?  
No. That's just the commencement. 
Overthinking - lack of decision making power - chaotic decisions - trouble - you are proven guilty. 

You do not take correct decisions in this game and you are proven guilty, maybe you were never wrong for the things you had done in the past,  but you are,for the recent thing. 
And remember,  that's the Summing up Part.

Later on,  the girl moved on,  had a new life,  metamorphosised by her best friend.
But whatever she did,  she used to be very very self cautious so that it does not turn out to be her fault once again.

A wrong turn,  for example,  a close friend not talking to her or behaving absurdly,  and she feels the drained confidence and starts self interrogation to check If she is right or wrong. 

Yes,  that was Me. This was one of my chapters.

I thank my best friend,  rather my soul sister and my mom for forcing me to cease using this tool of Overthinking and I am an amazing person now. 
Though I still realise this facet in me sometimes,  but less than before and moreover,  I am endeavouring to keep a great y command over it so that the sobriquet of 'Gloom Girl' does not stick to me. 
I have justified my point. 

I brought in this topic,  because when I started with my book and I was utterly confused,. I remember an old friend (Forever Trauma one) saying ' Write what you feel. Do not fake it.' 

I mentioned about putting up a topic quite interesting and Conflicting in my last post  but some recording part is left for the same.  So next or maybe next to next time. 

Stay tuned in.

Thursday 8 January 2015

Happy Ending

               HAPPY   ENDING

Well, it all commences with beautiful and radiant moments.  But,  do not forget,  its just the beginning which might lead to the ending of the Era soon. 

Yes,  today I am going to talk about 'giving up' and 'getting over'.  
Whenever, I hear these words 'getting over',  I get a bit overwhelmed.  

You share some of the best moments of your life with some people, moments which might be still registered somewhere in the corner of your hearts. But the people might have left,  even when they had promised never to.   
That's when we start thinking that it's the ruined end. 
Wrong,  the gut feeling is. It is just a part of 'ups' and 'downs'.  It is the ruined middle part and not the ruined end. 
Because we always have the happy ending. Always and always.

I have experienced  it for months and even I started considering that time the deteriorated one, and that's when my bond with my best friend became the forever one,  because she pulled me out of it,  transformed my negatives into my positives while still letting me be who I am. It gave the best part of my existence and I derived positivity out of negativity too.


980 views,  stay tuned in for the 4th post about something very conflicting and interesting at the same time.

Tuesday 6 January 2015

                     HAPPY BLOG START DAY 

So , today I would be very simple in my approach. i would talk about something  very simple, yet the most comforting and soothing : 'SMILES OF YOUR LOVED ONES' .

No amalgamation of mercury or fusion of any letters could ever recount the souvenirs fabricated today.
I could feel the vividness just by that spark and shimmer in the eyes of people whom I love.  I was talking to a friend last night when I expressed my fear of my blog not being read and I actually made an assumption of it  happening.
 But today when I saw those broad smiles  , I felt like I was on the PARADISE   OF   EARTH : THE    ENCHANTMENT  SESSION   OF   MY   PEOPLE.

I have a rectification lens which says that I didn't only see those smiles but FELT them as glittering grins on my own  face and the very next moment , my fear of this blog not being read , just passed away . It just dug itself somewhere with a guarantee of never returning.

I celebrated my BLOG START DAY  today where it was all about me and my excitement , leaving me in a state of expressing myself in the form of  MONA LISA grins .

This BLOG means the world to them and to me too.



Sunday 4 January 2015


                A boat in drowning winds: Life

  Life is an oxymoron.
 It is an enormous rattrap.

 At the same moment, it has the might and main of pouring in the factor of completeness and enchantment.
One viable moment can use its weapon of overpowering our life with discontentment and dissatisfaction. The very other moment,  life becomes all about intensifying the might and main of beautification.  I firmly believe that for life,  we can use the poetic device of personification.  The way humans use the power of ‘hatred’ and ‘love’,  life uses the weapons of ‘ups’ and ‘downs’
The conclusion has been analysed and it now opines ‘ GRACIOUS HELVES AND PERKS OF LIFE'.