Thursday 26 February 2015



Imagine, walking in the corridoor with your best friend and somebody just passes by.  'SOMEBODY' has some special stories attached to him/her. 

Well,  did you just ponder about your judgment criteria for that particular person? 
I could reach to the conclusion that the judgement criteria becomes the very specific stories clinging to the name.  

In our lifetime,  we all commit mistakes,  mistakes  that were exaggerated and transformed and forced to take the title of 'SINS'.  
I firmly believe in the fact that nobody is wrong, nobody is at fault under these mysterious circumstamces.  It is just the loopholes of these varying aspects of life.
Well, why I can claim this has a reason attached to it,  a very vital one.
You know what, it is excessively simple to blame someone but when its time for getting targetted and literally accepting the blame, the clouds fade.
Whenever,  strong winds blow and the darkness approaches, darkening the already dark world around, we lose hope, lose ourselves.
We drown,  drown in the drowing winds,  not because we are proved wrong but because nobody could reduce the paucity of understanding and stand by us.
That is how the world is.
People are proved wrong by us.
We are proved wrong by them.

I am writing all this, scribbling all these unprepossessing situations because I have gone through the trauma,  and I have seen the unclear ruling world.

One day, when things commenced turning up against me, I realised the fact that nobody is ever at fault, nobody ever pursues those ugly realities .
And I can opine it only when I could feel it openly, when I could feel my latitude and origin shifting away.

Karma returns. We all indulge in proving the other person at fault and the vicious cycle misinterprates us.

A person,  whatever did , becomes past.
 But,  past is never forgotten either by the suffered sufferer or the surrounding souls.
Society keeps on being judgemental,  judgemental about the deeds we had done,  which may have been realised as wrong by us, or the ones which might have become opportunistic and avail the benefit of a bad time phase.

People change. Time changes.
A different fragrance can be sensed.
Why are people always judged on the basis of who that person was,  HISTORICALLY.
Why can't that person's inner soul be peeked into at a fresh point of time?
Why are people given the title of 'BEING NEGATIVE'?
Why are people looked upon with this criterion of 'MISTAKES'. ?

Why has an answer,  but not any more further solution,  for, this very much prevailing thing would still have its existence.

That person is unknown, but yes, their mistakes have been parcelled out in a sac in the form of Mistakes.

Why is it typically unethical to do so.
Mistakes are exaggerated.
Mistakes do not prove the internal aspect of a person.
Mistakes are short timed disappointments.
Nobody knows as to what the real description is.

It becomes absolutely impossible for us to  determine our faults,  to determine our wrong intensity and direction.
It becomes ruthlessly unthinkable to even determine if the path we chose was right or not.

Well, we accept the position of being erroneous.
We accept it with great struggle,  and we are reminded of it each moment by thr judgemental aspect of society.
This great struggle results in us blaming ourselves always. We commence underestimating our inner kindness,  we set the balls rolling for undervaluing our goodness.

Cease judging somebody by their past.
Their past one day,  had meant everything to them and all of a sudden,  being at the gun point, everything had been massively destroyed.  The destructive weapon had been put to force and in full motion.
Now,  their past makes them feel unvalued and unfutile.
People change. Mistakes change them. Mistakes metamomorphisize all.
Read it, feel it and sense iT.

Karan Kundra in Gumrah says 'No one is a Born criminal'
I say 'No one ever portrays negativities  ,impenetrable successive points of time take that job well enough'

Stay tuned in.


  1. You showcased an unsaid yet a real truth of life !!

  2. I m learning a lot from your blogs. Well done. Keep it up!

  3. I m learning a lot from your blogs. Well done. Keep it up!
