Wednesday 4 March 2015



Well, I won't be too long today,  for what I would be writing would be convincing enough for everyone out there and won't require the art of 'Exaggeration'.

What pushed me into writing this one has one and only one reason attached to it and the reason has numerous disturbing methodologies.

Well,  I had an inner voice beating higher than any other prevailing sound.
I had an inner image being visualised again and again, despite zillions of images already there in front.
Those wailing faces all around urged me to take my frustration out.
I can't really pen it down and send it to Mr Modi,  but I can atleast attract attention of some gens.

I am not going to present any examples, instead I can see simply portray my live example.
Well, the Results Day and yes everyone in vain.
Building up pressure, panicking environment, sulking sights,  unfortunate timing.
This isn't the description of a typical 'Result Day'.  It gives appropriate details about the day when Eleventh class students are in a transition mode.

Eleventh to twelfth.

This post is not really about students,  it's about parents,  their physche,  their level of understanding with their children.
The first and foremost step to understand someone, acording to me is to put yourself in the other person's shoes.
I would never say ' Then understand and analyse and take a decision.'
I would rather say 'Just pretend that you are that person, maybe for once.'
The rest of it would fall in place by its own, in the sense,  that it would make us realise the other side's soundtrack too.

Personally speaking, I work hard,  I follow the principle of 'Work Hard,  Play Hard'.
But I guess my results are a bit less comprimising. We need the support but our results don't really aid our process.

I reached home,  blurted out my marks in a single go and in return received a Disappointment Session.
Dissatisfaction session from myself due to cut throat competition and disappointment session from my mom's side.

I have a sincere request. I make an earnest request. A deep request to parents around.
When our dissatisfaction levels are high, all we need is some Encouragement Session and not disapproving scenarios.  No one on this Earth would be lunatic enough to be enchanted to not get high enduring marks.

When we are ourselves worried,  we cannot just go subsiding anyone else's disapproval.

We are human beings,  creatures made by humans.
Who are humans? A specie full of flaws.
Well I was able to flaunt this weakness of mine in  a few of my examinations. My part was to put in efforts,  the another part ditched me.  I never ditched.

Seeing the crying cases,  feeling the competition and experiencing the panick, I opine,  knowledge has no Place. Just a quantitative figure is and would always be.

We emerge out of cocoon to prosper,  flourish and show our glimmer,  but with the hurdles on the way , we fall and get trapped among the indecipherable virtual walls of the Cocoon.

I want to rise but never screech away.
I want to fly,  but I don't want my skyscraper dreams to get shattered.

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