Saturday 2 April 2016

APRIL 2, 16

                APRIL 2 , 2016. 

After a long time , I am religiously getting back to pen down my previaling thoughts pouring in as much beautification as I can. 

Just as I got to my feet to diligently type out, I gladly came across a post which was beautiful in its genuine sense.

The post was somehow linked with the storyline of PS : I LOVE YOU, except for the change that a dying parent left a golden platter of shining words , each letter having a magnificience in its own attire.

A dying parent , fighting with the fatal fighter , Cancer , started on a never ending journey in his mid 30's. A jouney from where he would watch out for his loved ones as a celestial soul up there , but would never be able to pat his son's shoulder when he would probably be proud of his first girlfriend.

Parents who know that they would no longer be able to live with their kids are the parents whose dismal can sway away anyone , powerfully.

Such was a father who wanted to  live with his son while shining up there , so this man  with tears in his eyes kept on writing angelic pieces of words .
He kept on leaving elegant letters with each rare word having its own significance.
Word has been complimented with rare because the father would soon become oblivion of life.

I would like to fabricate one or two out of the treasure .
The solidified azzure , the shining star high up has tears while the son waves off the letter with the edge of his reminiscent fingers and commences to read with quivering hands and a blunt speech.

When he passed away with a sunken heart leaving souls rusted with gloom.
It said :
"Son , I know I was wrong that I left you alone over there. But trust me your life has a lot in store for you. You know your mom is holding a photograph and crying. Go over to her and tell her that I miss you all and I am watching you guys.

During hard days at school :
Son, you are 18. Your life is a mess . Right?
Mark my words . It is a beautiful mess.
Live rach second fully. Experiment a different 'You'. You are free to grow.
Love your changes and accept the flaws of your inner strength and the world too. .
Love , dad.

When the son gets success. :
Congratulations son for whichever success step you are at right now. I am fine. God treats me well. Succes is unattainable , son. What you have is a token of appreciation.
You need more tokens for construction of a staircase to the reach that unattainable echelon. Make the staircase such that unattainable becomes easily accomplishable.

When married :
Son , today I will tell you something actually as a strict parent. She would be here to complete you and scare you when it comes to occupying the same room.
Its just not you , it is about you and her , together. Respect her . These moments never come back. Capture their essence and recapture the golden moments .
Love , dad."

When mother is gone.

"She is with me."
These 4 words sound so gragarious .
"She is with me . I missed her. Don't get impulsive. Love , dad."

When inevitable death  is near :
"You are a man walking with a stick , with white hair down your pie like bald.
For convivial environment , chant the supreme's name. You are near to the end. Approaching death towards life is like an azzure with mixed thoughts.
You can't walk or talk
Just close your eyes and recollect each of your memory , reading my words .
Memories will make you realise how magnificient your life had been ."

You would be gone until now.
But see you soon buddy. We'll shine together brilliantly.
Love , dad.

Writing this  brought tears in my eyes.
Hold on close to your parents. They love you . Love them .
Time is slipping away .

- 4599 :) 

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