Tuesday 27 September 2016

They do not bleed.

Some people bleed with utter mercilessness and others write with utter extravagance.
Writers are dual faced but not Janus faced . Being dual faced is something we apparently contemplate to be possessed by negativity and pessimism . On the other hand when I gauge the term to be pretty much appropriate for writers , I typically take a flight and without being devious , I reframe it as the sac of bright rays and optimism . When writers can be suitable awarded the title of 'Blessing in Disguise', they surely can be associated with the LEGEND of being Dual faced . One simple and fairy delineation lies in the fact that writers are beautiful in and out and they scatter beauty in its crystalline form .
Even when their melancholic spirit is in an unstoppable swing , they won't really cease to ink the fragile yet such a mighty paper . Fragile yet mighty sounds like I am pretty perplexed myself . But writers are like that , they fabricate all the worldly attires in very unique specifications , but the simplicity and eloquence comes to certain wanderers in calm and shallow waves . So when I opine, 'Fragile and mighty' , I clearly contend one thing . That one thing is that a writer intends to disassociate all the tender emotions from his potent heart on a piece of paper .
A piece of paper is truly astonishing too . Two drops of water and feels like it is submerged in unbeatable wetness , but is competent enough to steadily absorb and then get entirely subdued in the ocean of stars , stars of words . Dual faced the paper as well as the influential painter , painter of galvanisation of letters deep into roots of hearts and hearts and millions of hearts . Even when they leave cues of non enchantment aspects , they assimilate wonders , they write , write in a  way that no one could patently capture all of it in one go .
Convincingly, writers are legends, true heroes. The respect for each writer out there is surely extravagant and immoderate. Alienation towards the world harmoniously connects their sentimental dots with the vast globe spread around.
When they are undergoing the process of enstragement, that is when is their best hour to concatenate with people. The best part is that this building up of connection is subtle and natural, because their gloom brings the best out of them and consequently gens around get subdued with the same emotions, connecting them in an utterly peculiar way.

But writers write instead of getting that facial ache.
Writers write instead of feeling that physical ache.
Writers write to not get traumatised.
They do scatter in pieces but their sword is so mighty that all the broken pieces get amalgamated and the wandering soul becomes consolidated.

Such are writers .
Some people don't bleed , they write and
Such people are immortal .
Such gems have had ambrosia immortality .
They rule worlds and ages .
They belong to people giving them innumerable wonders.
Such are writers .
They don't bleed .
They write .
Such are writers .

-Continuation of Such are Writers 

Wednesday 13 July 2016

Such are writers .

                   SUCH ARE WRITERS    

I have overwhelmingly heard about the fact that writers' swords get the mightiest when their  agony is at the zenith , when their  melancholy is overshadowing their jocular imprints and when there are their sulking cries being heard.

Writers earn intensity and vehemence once their lives get submerged in the cornerstone of grief .
Writers probably represent the predicament of 'Blessing in Disguise' .

 It's like even when they are absolutely bereft of beauty and quietude and happiness , something absolutely blissful and engaging is on the way to be produced . A tender piece of paper carries amalgamation of letters which is engaging enough to catch hold of anyone's attention . Once the humans leaf through the words , might and main of severity of appreciation surely goes up . That is when they wonder and opine 'Blessing in disguise' . 

Even when a circumstance filled with despondency arises , there comes up a tombstone of words which gets inscribed in hearts of millions for years and imprinted on the tender pale pages for centuries .

Writers are like that . They could get slayed with gloom and ache but would never fail to gift a dashboard of happiness to others , be it anonymous or be it kith and kin .
Writers are like painters . The synonymous approach of the two is beautiful and irresistible in its own way . Potent swords of writers and curvy gadgets of painters have one thing in common and that is they metamporphosise life by splashing colours , colours of joy and joy of love .
Such are writers . 

They would paint your little world with waves of emotions and attitudes of mush .
They lift you up from the deserted aroma and put you back into your gluttony stage once again - happy eating and gladly dancing . 
But , beyond the shadow of a doubt , they transmute your ethics and sober values and would indubitably transfix them on the promenade carved for it specially . 

Writers paint your little room with oean of wisdom and constellation of words . 

Writers colour love .

Writers write joy .

Writers mount elation .

Writers are like Adam and Eve . First founders of optimism and life .

Writers drink ambrosia , the nectar of God sent below by the Gods in heaven above with blissful  essence only .

Ambrosia the drink solely meant for Lords above and writers here on Earth , on this Terra Firma . 
It's a bliss , pondered about and not globalised instinctively , rather is only Symbolised for the DIVINE. For , as sure as Devils do exist , writers are the divine souls .


Writers steal the bitterness and restock the sac with souvenirs worth cherishing . Writers have solicitudes which promise golden rules in lives who are ready to assimilate the brilliant productions . Their  stigma is that immortal drink , that drink which makes them eternal in sulking eyes of millions of gens.

Their cups are always filled with rim of nectar with brim . Their nectar which keeps them alive forever is love they tend to blossom in one's eyes already rummaging for the cabinet of compassion .

Such  are writers .
Such is their lives .
Never ephemeral.
Never transient .
Never undying .
Never fading .
Always sempiternal .
Always perpetual .
Always sketched up with sanctuary of endearment and charm of love .

Such are writers .
They never die .
They are immortal .
Not for Ten days , but forever.


Ten days are not ten months .
Ten months are Not ten years .
Ten years are not ten centuries and
Ten centuries are not ten millenniums .

But writers are immortal in millions of inflamed and compassionate hearts .
Hearts very vulnerable to affliction and anguish become subtle once a writer crosses thier way be it in reality or be it the case of virtual reality - books .
The heart so prone to immortal dismal once again regains its peace with uttermost absoluteness .
Crestfallen minds get sbbmerged with high spirits .
Such are writers . They would make you understand the crust of self reliance and internal charm
and mystique which is spellbounding .
Such are writers . They never die. They will forever live in our meek pounding sacs and their names will be engraved on the benevolent pieces of paper .

For not for days but they would be celebrated for ages and their presence would be commemorated even for longer , in hearts .
Such are writers .
Such are writers .
Such are writers.


Monday 6 June 2016

Sobriquet of life.

                SOBRIQUET OF LIFE

We all keep on hunting the invisible answer of the perplexed question 'What is life?'

Well as I scribble this with abrubt thoughts , certain accurate and erroneous answers pop up in my head.

The ones at the zeneath are self interrogating  , basically the question weaves a tangled web for further questions.
'Is life a chaos?' Or 'Is life a beautiful mess?' Or 'Is life about love' or 'Is life about hate' or 'Is life about Science?' Or 'Is life about religion?' Or 'Is life about being selfish?' Or 'Is life about living for others'
Or 'Is life about gloom' or 'Is life about positivity and hope?' Or 'Is life about being pantheist and believing that God's world is different , the one where Lord exists with glitter and enchantment all around?'

We all get through phases where at times the level of our ecstasy is unreachable and at times , the darkness slays us internally.
Its natural to get bewildered and confused and then understand life , the word with just 4 letters , the easiest pronounciation and a word easily to grasp.

But then the name of this blog : OXYMORON.

That is why I was compelled to name it this.
The moment I sit , put my writing caps on , be a bit technical in my approach , all I can do is relate everything to the sobriquet of this blog : OXYMORON
Similiar is life, sugarcoated with glamour and internally accumulated with poison.

Now the question is whether the sugarcoat is too sweet to lower down the effect of poison and bring it to level nil ?
Whether the poison is too eccentric and fallacious to abnegate oneself?

Okayy if I ask , what is an apple?
A stupid question? An apple is an apple.

Or we keep asking : ' If an apple is a box of red sweetness?' Or 'Is it nature's medication?' .
Height of lunacy.
An apple is a fruit.
An apple is an apple

The point lies in the fact that we tend to complicate things.

Everything created by God is a simple yet a very prepossessing creation.
Everything is way too straight.

We are not charmers that happiness will automatically knock at our sealed doors.
We got to approach the euphoria and thr very essence of happiness.

Life is a simple journey , a journey where 'Left turn ' is full of thorns and scorns.
'Right turn ' is half filled with thorns and half with tender accumulations.
Then there is a very narrow path with no thorns , no riddles , just serenity and tranquility.
 It is in our hands to be decisive of the path to be followed.
Gens don't admire the left graveyard of silence and gloom.
Gens are not gems , so destiny does not flourish them with the decision of following the right turn.
Then here people are disobeying the law of poetry 'Take the road less travelled by'
Or perhaps people have followed it way  too much and everybody follows the central path . Path which is not only about sad faces but smiles and grins too.

If we do not follow the central path , we can take the right turn. Right turn is righteous of beauty , joviality and calmness.

It is so simple "Take the right turn "
Is it only simple to opine or to follow too?
Well if we endeavour to obnoxiously decorate the right turn with hurdles and barriers of melancholy , we can't blame Life.
We have to blame ourselves.
Therefore we become the masters of oxymoron and not life. The sobriquet assigned to it perhaps should be transferred to us.

Agreed that there are situations which are destined  and unavoidable , but there are solutions to everything , to every riddle and to every enigma.

Perhaps , we complicate life.
Life is very simple.
Life is life.

Remember two rules always and divert the soul towards  THE RIGHT turn.

1. Anything that happens gives a ray of optimism.
Anything that happens , happens for good.
2. Everything is temporary , even grief and pain, perhaps even the thought of taking a right turn solves the mystery and lets one paradisaically  follow  it.

-Devna Nagi

Saturday 2 April 2016

APRIL 2, 16

                APRIL 2 , 2016. 

After a long time , I am religiously getting back to pen down my previaling thoughts pouring in as much beautification as I can. 

Just as I got to my feet to diligently type out, I gladly came across a post which was beautiful in its genuine sense.

The post was somehow linked with the storyline of PS : I LOVE YOU, except for the change that a dying parent left a golden platter of shining words , each letter having a magnificience in its own attire.

A dying parent , fighting with the fatal fighter , Cancer , started on a never ending journey in his mid 30's. A jouney from where he would watch out for his loved ones as a celestial soul up there , but would never be able to pat his son's shoulder when he would probably be proud of his first girlfriend.

Parents who know that they would no longer be able to live with their kids are the parents whose dismal can sway away anyone , powerfully.

Such was a father who wanted to  live with his son while shining up there , so this man  with tears in his eyes kept on writing angelic pieces of words .
He kept on leaving elegant letters with each rare word having its own significance.
Word has been complimented with rare because the father would soon become oblivion of life.

I would like to fabricate one or two out of the treasure .
The solidified azzure , the shining star high up has tears while the son waves off the letter with the edge of his reminiscent fingers and commences to read with quivering hands and a blunt speech.

When he passed away with a sunken heart leaving souls rusted with gloom.
It said :
"Son , I know I was wrong that I left you alone over there. But trust me your life has a lot in store for you. You know your mom is holding a photograph and crying. Go over to her and tell her that I miss you all and I am watching you guys.

During hard days at school :
Son, you are 18. Your life is a mess . Right?
Mark my words . It is a beautiful mess.
Live rach second fully. Experiment a different 'You'. You are free to grow.
Love your changes and accept the flaws of your inner strength and the world too. .
Love , dad.

When the son gets success. :
Congratulations son for whichever success step you are at right now. I am fine. God treats me well. Succes is unattainable , son. What you have is a token of appreciation.
You need more tokens for construction of a staircase to the reach that unattainable echelon. Make the staircase such that unattainable becomes easily accomplishable.

When married :
Son , today I will tell you something actually as a strict parent. She would be here to complete you and scare you when it comes to occupying the same room.
Its just not you , it is about you and her , together. Respect her . These moments never come back. Capture their essence and recapture the golden moments .
Love , dad."

When mother is gone.

"She is with me."
These 4 words sound so gragarious .
"She is with me . I missed her. Don't get impulsive. Love , dad."

When inevitable death  is near :
"You are a man walking with a stick , with white hair down your pie like bald.
For convivial environment , chant the supreme's name. You are near to the end. Approaching death towards life is like an azzure with mixed thoughts.
You can't walk or talk
Just close your eyes and recollect each of your memory , reading my words .
Memories will make you realise how magnificient your life had been ."

You would be gone until now.
But see you soon buddy. We'll shine together brilliantly.
Love , dad.

Writing this  brought tears in my eyes.
Hold on close to your parents. They love you . Love them .
Time is slipping away .

- 4599 :) 

Monday 4 January 2016



when one solemnly broods about life , 
when one cudgel one's brain about the extravagance of life
when one contemplates about the testimony of life, 
we commence ruminating another word and that is Self Indulgence.

Okay let's not beat about the bush , let us be straight forward in today's dynamic approach.

Life is about an arm and a leg, sac of costly affaires.

Today , 'Dynamism of Life Vs Unprepossessing Realities' completes its PREMIERE ANNIVERSARY , ITS  INAUGURAL JUBILEE.

And I have a long list of inferences regarding the drowning boat , LIFE , as my first post designated it. This long list did not come to its existence on its own , like a certain charming miracle , but it approached to me , actually to my 'BY CHANCE' observations. 

Gradually , the cycle of metamorphosis plunged into , and there I broke the ice and actually started observing combination of facets ,  happy and sad , vibrant and condescending. 
And trust me for a while , looking around the world , just throwing a glittery glance around, suffices. Believe in me when I opine about noticing people and understanding the beautiful depth and the  miserable impression of their lives and then you feeling like the person you needed when you were younger. 

If you re read the last few words of a person who has submitted to the almighty , you actually would feel beautiful just the way you would if you keenly notice the last few words of the last paragraph , signifying 'Be the person you needed when you were younger'. 

Desolated state sometimes turns into an intoxicated state once again. Why?
Because at times , a celestial stranger might come up and make it all charismatic once again.

Walk around , you might be able to be that CELESTIAL STRANGER.
You would feel a bit outlandish by the last two words . 
CELESTIAL STRANGER , OXYMORON , for we had been taught to generally be outweighed by the bizarre strangers , the weird interlopers. 

But such crescent interlocks and situations might result into A beautiful oxymoron. 


This day is precious to me,
 as this blog completes an year of sincere perseverance, appreciation and love. 
Live life to the fullest and do not let go of the beautiful mess around.

MERRY 2K16 .


Saturday 2 January 2016



Time for an adios! 
Time for a hasta la vista ! 
Time for a valediction !
Time to bid goodbye to the gems who had made your 14 years worth rememberance.

When I sit today , scribbling about this kind of unfair retirement , I actually am overwhelmed with the mere thought that from years now , I would flip the pages of souvenirs with reminiscent fingers.

This effervesnce of SCHOOL LIFE would probably never fade , be it either at the age of thirty or sixty.

Ever brooded at the fact that we actually won't be a regular part of the place which we had loathed and loved at the same time.

Ever had goosebumps regarding the point that we won't have to anymore put in our soul and efforts to be a troublesome parcel of the class?

Morning alarms and early mornings won't be of the same significance.

Well , I am cognizant of what actually having a revulsion or hatred for school means.
I probably used to loathe it more than anyone else.

But Summer Fields School would be missed and the phenomenal Summerites would never ever be forgotten.
You can't after all forget the people who have understood you or the prodigious people who used to be the sole reason for that ache in your stomach due to endless laughs spilled or those tears they never let you shed.

The situation of perplexity , love and loathe has beautifully transformed it into a situation of moiety , one of two equal parts and that is spectacular love or the part of awe inspiring endearment.

When you become sensitive enough to gather the thrust of what all the musky glowing walls have given , then you would deeply realise as to what you would miss on.


May this year be a blessing for your souls. 

Well , I am in a euphoric mood , for on 4th Jan , this blog completes its first ecstatic and beautiful year. 

from commencement of the fear of getting readers to focus till getting 3814 views :')