Wednesday 27 May 2015


No amalgamation of mercury or fusion of any twenty six letters could ever recount my amount of internal enchantment, I found myself submerged in, after the end of such a chaotic yet a perfect birthday.  

That significant unparalleled feeling you get,  when you sit at the end of the day with gratitude and love in your hearts. 

Those uncomparable and unrepeatable souvenirs which strike your head make you feel obliged towards all those who contributed towards it. 

What your family does for you is something you can't ever reciprocate,  to be frank enough. 

What they do for you is something you can't even endeavour to work upon. 

On the same stance,  we have our non blood gems who literally stand on the same burning plane and grab every opportunity to let you sparkle and get that beam,  typically. 

That is when I opine the word 'Friends'.  

At this particular point of time,  when I simply sit and ponder about two situations,  one that of my day,  subjugated in enchantment and the other one of the day when it would be time for a farewell submerged with an ample amount of choking and overwhelmed feelings. 

Not talking about the pent up charged emotions,  I would simply sum up this time by saying one FOREVER GOLDEN LINE :

They are the twinkling stars who would light up your world and your days like no one else would,  they would be the burning anxious spirits who would cross any stretching paths and hurdles for your entitled beams ' 

I am glad to have some great non blood gems in my life who brought my day to an end in a way I could never grasp hold of. 

I am glad to have spent such a day in my short span. 

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