Thursday 27 April 2017


Let's talk about the slaughter house .
Resemblance of shattered dreams and doubts , such is the slaughter house .
Slaughter house for Homo Sapiens
Different for different grounds .

A slsughter house for animals and a humiliating environment for human beings is equally suffocating.
Slaying and dying is no easy , but for sure easier than giving up anticipations each day and seeing optimism being faded each passing day .
When I clobber about the same with respect to the prodigies , I barely refer to physical conditions .
I blabber about the predominant cornerstone of freedom

Freedoms does not necessarily fall in the arms of Independence, neither does it signify complete non adherence to all the aspects of life which are unsuitable and incongruous.
My definition of this seven lettered dictionary inhabitant is slightly different .
It does not mean absconding and portraying a dark side to responsibilities or ethics . It does not either mean a negating and an ill treatment of free will.

It simply means having a potent ,convincing and fervent command over the will and courage to move away from the person or a thing which is keeping the alacrity of the soul at bay .
Freedom must not be negatively mixed up with ' Complete satisfaction of desires and urges ' .
It means letting go of one's own negativity and adopting an approach which recommends tranquility to heighten its level each passing day.

A complete erroneous meaning of Freedom which would eradicate the essence of  truth would be contradicting ethics and morals which societal need demands. FREEDOM nowhere signifies negligence of absoluteness of truth and faith. It does not either is a delienation of refuting to pay respect to others. Let us come on real grounds.
Freedom is restricted to one's ownself. Freedom's bandwidth is rudimentary, in the sense that it is refrained to a certain extent.

It's network does not cover EVERYONE and EVERYTHING.
EVERYONE: You do not have to be well versed with each born prodigy in this vast Galaxy. Diversified gens with distinguished attributes!
Freedom necessarily has certain regulations to abide by. The elementary ordinance suggests each individual, rather implies certain basic prescriptions upon the significance of the word 'FREEDOM.' This simple seven lettered word has an extravagant meaning which never should should become a propellant in situations. Never cross the line of the elucidation of this word.
It never is hysterical to result in the ceasement of gratitude, abidement of regulations and belief in ethics.
'Walk away from someone when the specified someone is plagiarising your happiness to their lives. Walk away. Let loose of the strings of dependence. Eye Opener's Mechanism is all set to be released.'

EVERYTHING: There is no particular substantial reason as to be a substantial part of each existing subsistent. Be picky and do not squander over extraneous and trivial.

Live young, wild and free.

-Devna Nagi