Saturday 7 January 2017

Happy Sentinel


A particular cruise might not matter prominently unless you solemnly look at it and realise that it has existed for a juncture, a long phrase of time.
Hideously, something owns your life and heads it with poise.
Sometimes, optimism is dislocated, the term abberation gets disappeared, annoyance casts its shadow,     pessimism traces along the coastline and the gloom, the morose overshadows gluttony. But, one source of positivity signifies its enormous existence whether it is during harmony or sully.
The most beautiful thing which would be titled and given the sobriquet of beautiful for all roots of survival, becomes that source of happiness which gave you solace when life only knew how to deride and embezzle.
I have somehow firmly believed and adjusted my destiny with the word 'Possible'.
Somehow the dingy essence has been digged from the holocaust of 'Impossible' , safely transported it to the sac of 'Possible' , transformed into fragrance and stored it in a mini jar, to be kept for ages to live eccentrically and not just survive.
The sunrise would no more connot deep quietude, instead each sparkling ray, each enticing sunrise would engrave and imprint blitheness.

There always exists one particular thing which pulls you out magnetically from your yellow belly phase.
There always exists one particular etymology which  shatters the myth and gives home to solicitudes, pragmatic, systemic and melancholic, disrupted.

Ubiquitous and ambiguous!
Bleeds eternally with tears of love and meticulousness.
Gloom and boom!
Sulks and solace!
Or probably, the entire distincted dictionary of Homophones.
Such is life, it metaphorically sounds mellifluous, but this melody is ephemeral, like a bubble, transient.
The tunes and the beats are synchronised to engage harmony and sooner or later shenigans sway and shackles break.


But I revert mentioning my point that there exists one particular etymology which breaks down the  cuffs of flightless situatuons.

This blog had been that etymology, that origin for me.
My first post had been 'Oxymoron: Life, Wind in Drowning Boats'.
Premier annum circumvented around the same.
Second annum won't conclude without mentioning about the first post which innaugrated this blog ceremoniously.

This piece of writing is special and I found my happy thing.
What's yours?

Tears and mororse;
Smiles and merriness
Life and life.
Sustain your happiness
With your happy thing.
Shatter the impregnable wall,
Studded with gloom.
My happy thing, I found mine.
Go for yours,
For, only this would be a recreant,
Would break your cuffs.
Would Handcuff stress and
Lock up your mess.
Carry the charm
Maintain your calm.
Imprint love
Engrave intensity.
Find your happy sentinel,
Because at times you would be ineffable
And like this blog for me, something would come to your rescue.