Wednesday 13 July 2016

Such are writers .

                   SUCH ARE WRITERS    

I have overwhelmingly heard about the fact that writers' swords get the mightiest when their  agony is at the zenith , when their  melancholy is overshadowing their jocular imprints and when there are their sulking cries being heard.

Writers earn intensity and vehemence once their lives get submerged in the cornerstone of grief .
Writers probably represent the predicament of 'Blessing in Disguise' .

 It's like even when they are absolutely bereft of beauty and quietude and happiness , something absolutely blissful and engaging is on the way to be produced . A tender piece of paper carries amalgamation of letters which is engaging enough to catch hold of anyone's attention . Once the humans leaf through the words , might and main of severity of appreciation surely goes up . That is when they wonder and opine 'Blessing in disguise' . 

Even when a circumstance filled with despondency arises , there comes up a tombstone of words which gets inscribed in hearts of millions for years and imprinted on the tender pale pages for centuries .

Writers are like that . They could get slayed with gloom and ache but would never fail to gift a dashboard of happiness to others , be it anonymous or be it kith and kin .
Writers are like painters . The synonymous approach of the two is beautiful and irresistible in its own way . Potent swords of writers and curvy gadgets of painters have one thing in common and that is they metamporphosise life by splashing colours , colours of joy and joy of love .
Such are writers . 

They would paint your little world with waves of emotions and attitudes of mush .
They lift you up from the deserted aroma and put you back into your gluttony stage once again - happy eating and gladly dancing . 
But , beyond the shadow of a doubt , they transmute your ethics and sober values and would indubitably transfix them on the promenade carved for it specially . 

Writers paint your little room with oean of wisdom and constellation of words . 

Writers colour love .

Writers write joy .

Writers mount elation .

Writers are like Adam and Eve . First founders of optimism and life .

Writers drink ambrosia , the nectar of God sent below by the Gods in heaven above with blissful  essence only .

Ambrosia the drink solely meant for Lords above and writers here on Earth , on this Terra Firma . 
It's a bliss , pondered about and not globalised instinctively , rather is only Symbolised for the DIVINE. For , as sure as Devils do exist , writers are the divine souls .


Writers steal the bitterness and restock the sac with souvenirs worth cherishing . Writers have solicitudes which promise golden rules in lives who are ready to assimilate the brilliant productions . Their  stigma is that immortal drink , that drink which makes them eternal in sulking eyes of millions of gens.

Their cups are always filled with rim of nectar with brim . Their nectar which keeps them alive forever is love they tend to blossom in one's eyes already rummaging for the cabinet of compassion .

Such  are writers .
Such is their lives .
Never ephemeral.
Never transient .
Never undying .
Never fading .
Always sempiternal .
Always perpetual .
Always sketched up with sanctuary of endearment and charm of love .

Such are writers .
They never die .
They are immortal .
Not for Ten days , but forever.


Ten days are not ten months .
Ten months are Not ten years .
Ten years are not ten centuries and
Ten centuries are not ten millenniums .

But writers are immortal in millions of inflamed and compassionate hearts .
Hearts very vulnerable to affliction and anguish become subtle once a writer crosses thier way be it in reality or be it the case of virtual reality - books .
The heart so prone to immortal dismal once again regains its peace with uttermost absoluteness .
Crestfallen minds get sbbmerged with high spirits .
Such are writers . They would make you understand the crust of self reliance and internal charm
and mystique which is spellbounding .
Such are writers . They never die. They will forever live in our meek pounding sacs and their names will be engraved on the benevolent pieces of paper .

For not for days but they would be celebrated for ages and their presence would be commemorated even for longer , in hearts .
Such are writers .
Such are writers .
Such are writers.