Monday 6 June 2016

Sobriquet of life.

                SOBRIQUET OF LIFE

We all keep on hunting the invisible answer of the perplexed question 'What is life?'

Well as I scribble this with abrubt thoughts , certain accurate and erroneous answers pop up in my head.

The ones at the zeneath are self interrogating  , basically the question weaves a tangled web for further questions.
'Is life a chaos?' Or 'Is life a beautiful mess?' Or 'Is life about love' or 'Is life about hate' or 'Is life about Science?' Or 'Is life about religion?' Or 'Is life about being selfish?' Or 'Is life about living for others'
Or 'Is life about gloom' or 'Is life about positivity and hope?' Or 'Is life about being pantheist and believing that God's world is different , the one where Lord exists with glitter and enchantment all around?'

We all get through phases where at times the level of our ecstasy is unreachable and at times , the darkness slays us internally.
Its natural to get bewildered and confused and then understand life , the word with just 4 letters , the easiest pronounciation and a word easily to grasp.

But then the name of this blog : OXYMORON.

That is why I was compelled to name it this.
The moment I sit , put my writing caps on , be a bit technical in my approach , all I can do is relate everything to the sobriquet of this blog : OXYMORON
Similiar is life, sugarcoated with glamour and internally accumulated with poison.

Now the question is whether the sugarcoat is too sweet to lower down the effect of poison and bring it to level nil ?
Whether the poison is too eccentric and fallacious to abnegate oneself?

Okayy if I ask , what is an apple?
A stupid question? An apple is an apple.

Or we keep asking : ' If an apple is a box of red sweetness?' Or 'Is it nature's medication?' .
Height of lunacy.
An apple is a fruit.
An apple is an apple

The point lies in the fact that we tend to complicate things.

Everything created by God is a simple yet a very prepossessing creation.
Everything is way too straight.

We are not charmers that happiness will automatically knock at our sealed doors.
We got to approach the euphoria and thr very essence of happiness.

Life is a simple journey , a journey where 'Left turn ' is full of thorns and scorns.
'Right turn ' is half filled with thorns and half with tender accumulations.
Then there is a very narrow path with no thorns , no riddles , just serenity and tranquility.
 It is in our hands to be decisive of the path to be followed.
Gens don't admire the left graveyard of silence and gloom.
Gens are not gems , so destiny does not flourish them with the decision of following the right turn.
Then here people are disobeying the law of poetry 'Take the road less travelled by'
Or perhaps people have followed it way  too much and everybody follows the central path . Path which is not only about sad faces but smiles and grins too.

If we do not follow the central path , we can take the right turn. Right turn is righteous of beauty , joviality and calmness.

It is so simple "Take the right turn "
Is it only simple to opine or to follow too?
Well if we endeavour to obnoxiously decorate the right turn with hurdles and barriers of melancholy , we can't blame Life.
We have to blame ourselves.
Therefore we become the masters of oxymoron and not life. The sobriquet assigned to it perhaps should be transferred to us.

Agreed that there are situations which are destined  and unavoidable , but there are solutions to everything , to every riddle and to every enigma.

Perhaps , we complicate life.
Life is very simple.
Life is life.

Remember two rules always and divert the soul towards  THE RIGHT turn.

1. Anything that happens gives a ray of optimism.
Anything that happens , happens for good.
2. Everything is temporary , even grief and pain, perhaps even the thought of taking a right turn solves the mystery and lets one paradisaically  follow  it.

-Devna Nagi