Tuesday 10 November 2015


                TEN RUPEE NOTE


IGNORANTIA is a very popular Latin word signifying IGNORANCE , ignorance which we all are subdued in. 

Paucity of time would not justify the point which I'll make today. My perception following my justification is IGNORANTIA which is followed by few roots.

Stepping out of the house and finding the dull world covered with a thick layer of transcedence and the bright blaze around.
Moving about becoming the hep , watching around people all dressed up from tip to toe , smiling while seeing the soothing scattered Rangoli colours , we conclude its the happy festive season.


Positively , anecdotes about the festival are true. This pure season is glamorous enough to lift up the dull morale and amalgamating the nooks and corners with prepossessing joys.

Before I actually land to where I really have the flight to , I would come on the reason which urged me to ponder and write about it.

Yesterday after my Economics tuition at Paul , I was returning home with my best friend. We were very gladly talking about the festival.
When we reached , I gave a 100 rupees note to the auto guy . He gave me 50 back and I very rudely , without realising said 'BHAIYA MAINE 100 DIYA THA'.
Not noticing the fact that he was already searching to give me back my 10.
When he returned my note , he commenced counting the entire day's earnings when we realised that he seemed quite colourless and dull in this season of flashing colours and brilliantly illuminated lights.

My best friend with a gloomy face said "Poor ya , I feel so bad."

MISERIES AROUND THE WORLD. I started pondering about it but then and there I didn't say a word except for a thankyou which I actually meant.
He replied with a warm welcome which I perceived in a way that he felt proud about himself,  for,  someone expressed gratitude.

I didn't want to give him that 10 rupees note , being sympathetic or extravangantly generous because PITY CAUSES EGO AND I WAS AIMING FOR ACTUALISATION. Pity wasn't fitting in the scene because he could have been capable enough but circumstances and fortune abdicated his to be established future throne.

We both assumed on the part of calculations that after the rent of the auto and fuel , he would be earning around 500-700 per day or less than that or may be nil at days. On an average he'd be earning just 14000-21000 rupees and  we both agreed on a very valid point.
She said "We take 300-400 for school canteen "
"Sanya , one visit of WOW and we take 3000."
And we realised.

I was neither in the scorching heat not in the freezing winds , neither was I engrossed in something vital at that particular point of time . But what made me to NOT notice him or people like them around  was my ignorance which was a result of my obession with my life.

All I exclaimed to my best friend at the point was 'There are so many miseries in the world. Trust me , these are the real problems you got to feel bad about . Our problems still circulate around the teenage floatations.

That ten rupee note would not have given a major boost to his life , it would have instead made him feel shaken and a person who would depend on the cruel world around.
 Sometimes these people do not demand to be offered a significsnt amount of egoisitic aid.
They simply do not demand overwheming  gryatitude .
They just need to be understood and a thankyou would work for that , if nothing else.

That ten rupee note does not mean much but the way it acted proved obessions wrong .