Sunday 19 July 2015


DETACHMENT from the glittery  worldly relations is inevitable.
Blood relationships and non blood connections are something which are hard to give up on.
Don't we get way too symbolised with people around?
Don't we genuinely associate with the facet of non separation?

If circumstances transform and this brings about a significant change in our lifestyles, then,  yes we can conclude that we were too attached to whatever we have lost hold on.

Nothing is permanent.  Everything is temporary like a faded bubble, which carries magnificent texture,  but disappears in no time.
Let's remove the ambiguity of experiencing the pain and pinching sorrows.
If we do not start this process voluntarily, then forces of nature would come in consideration and do it for us
 Destiny warns but we do not warn our instincts.  Someone has to do it for us ,  destiny being the best of all is advantageous.
Destiny reciprocates.
We have the facet of VOLUNTARY association.  Destiny signifies INVOLUNTARY removal which gives us a tincture of discomfort and torment.

The point is not to stay in isolation,  the point is to understand the vital fact that things and people do exist to please,  but they don't last forever.
When something doesn't have to last for the entire lifetime, then what is the point in torturing one's own self.

People come and go,  they come as reminders,  lessons,  arguments.  conflicting thoughts and warning signals.

But your agility never takes an inverse turn,  it always lies with all your sensations.

Your felicity should have high standards.
Your merriment must be infectious.
Your contentment must be omnipresent.