Tuesday 30 June 2015


Well let us talk about something technical today. Let us use the immensely heavy proforma of technicality including today's facet of 'Self Introspection, Introduction and  Re-introduction. '

When I say 'Self Introspection and Introduction ',  the term 'Self Introspection' is quite relatable and easily understandable. But when I say 'Self Introduction ' I mean it to be a bit distinguished from from Self Introspection.  

Self introduction and self Introspection,  according to me are two varied fields.

When you simply sit,  pondering about the dual effect of your actions,  that is negative and positive outcomes. 
You judge people. But when it's time for internal personal judgement,  that is when I conceptualise it as 'self Introspection. '

For being a  successful personality,  you need to get your dynamism re -introduced to yourself. 
We all have that facet which is responsible for our mood swings,  for our bubble like opinions,  for our continuous changes in temperament.  
Let us get ourselves reintroduced to ourselves.  It's very important.  

Re introduction is basically getting to know your changes and
It's about exactly getting to know what you want and what you have in your mind. 

Well when I say 'ntroduction',  it's basically when you are deprived of yourself in the first place. 
It might happen that you find the source of that smile somewhere else,  you find it in others. But the best part is that attaining happiness is very simple,  for,  you are the only source of your enchantment. 
If you are not introduced to yourself,  do it.  Feed your soul! 

These three aspects are essential for a promising personality.
This is something which is extensively possible for the night owls. Cheers to them,  for I am one of them!  
