Monday 13 April 2015

Soul to death. Death To Soul



Well, today I am going to scribble about something very subtle and something sensitive,  I would rather say 'something HYPERSENSITIVE '.

Today,  I am overwhelmed with  my mingled up and charged feelings. 

'Soul to Death',  today's heart capturing extract would fill each soul with pent up emotions,  emotions which would be discharged in the silhouette of tears. 

For some out there, a tear won't be just an outline but it would be a pyramid of souvenirs,  something so reminiscent.  

I am talking about losing your best friend to death.
Before bringing in the sole reason for writing on this particular topic,  I would like to put up a very very simple question. 
What do you mean by the term 'BEST FRIEND'?

When someone asks me this question,  I simply state that I do not belive in the term 'BEST FRIENDS'.
You must be quite amused listening to this peculiar statement.
Best friends leave.  Soul Sisters don't.  This is that I tell to my already found soul sister.

So firstly,  I do not feel like there is anything as such 'Best Friends .
Your true loved ones are a part of your existence,  a vital and charismatic component of your soul.

Now just ponder about a situation where someone becomes so helpless,  whereally an outcry can be heard,  where the rage can be felt,  rage demonstrating helplessness, where someone loses their best friend cum soul partner to death.

Before expressing my sudden desire to bring up this,  I would like to mention the root cause of this unanticipated urge.
The sole reason is the movie 'Quija'.
Well how would this horror movie provide me insights into such deep realities,  is the revolving question.

1. When Debbie dies and Lane (her best friend) endendeavours to figure out the reason,  despite knowing that it might result in her death itself.
2. When Lane is about to be killed and Debbie's soul arrives and protects her.

These two heart throbbing aspects gave me a natural quantum to talk it out today.

To put in my tender emotions into words,  I would,  become a poetess,  as of now,  for poetry is just like the music of the paradise and ascendency of soothing effect.

I would write it on behalf of my hypothetical character,  Ellie,  who had lost her soul sister to death.

So here,  I present,  trying to implement the art of beautification :

Losing you was always my fear,
For my preferences,  I used to say ' I don't care.'
Our love , Paradise had always embraced,
Our Infinity Bond,  every soul emulated and chased.
But no one could ever be as magnificent we were.
Being amicable,  we knew we were perfect 'Forever Entrepreneurs '.
As I said 'Losing you was always my Fear'.

Against my fear, my urge to fight for it emerged,
My fear and my urge,  they merged.
But death had its fortune.
I would want to be lost by it soon.

For I always used to say,
Being at Bay,
I would die before you,  you sitting next to my grave,
That inch of laughter, for your last moment with you,  you would save.
My last joke would fall in your ears,
As melody,  they would last with you for years and years.

Losing her soul meant
Her diminishing essence and scent,
Losing her to death,
Just took Away my breath.

Like a crumbled ball,
Getting helpless calls,
I sit there rolled up,
Finding out myself and pulling me up
Being at Bay,

Losing her is losing my own Soul.

When I say,  Death to Soul, I mean,  reviving our life,  accouchement, once again to bring back the soul,  so that Lane gets to live with the same Debbie.

Stay tuned in